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How to stop watching pornography

How to stop watching pornography

Today many people are get used to the fact, that watching pornography is a normal part of everyday life. Despite that, this topic is quite taboo in society. But is it really “good“? What does such “habit“ bring to our world? Does it make the world a better place?

You may be surprised, but there is so much scientific information about pornography. And they all point to the fact, that watching pornography is more dangerous than it seems. Here are just a few of problems that should face “addicted“ person:

– occurs brain disorders,
– increases feeling of loneliness and depression states,
– decreases emotional connection with family and relatives,
– increases risk of using drugs,
– decreases social integration,
– decreases self-esteem,
– decreases quality of life,
– occurs physical and mental health diseases,
– increases antisocial habits like criminal acts.

Person who addicted to pornography becomes unhappy in all sides of life. Pornography addiction leads human brain to completely different reality.

In this page you will find videos that help to overcome pornography addiction and stop watching pornography.

1. Pornography is not real.

2. Semen are the most valuable material in human body.

3. Abstinence from pornography can make you superhuman.

4. Having too much free time – force you to watch pornography.

5. Anxiety force you to watch pornography.

6. Powerful method that help you to stop watching pornography.

7. Everything starts from simple erotic pictures and leads to…

8. Lust feeling comes from subconscious mind.

9. The more you watch pornography, the worse it become with real women.

10. Semen retention gives strong health and brain power.

11. You don’t want that your sister, wife, mother work in pornography.

12. This girl that you’re watching, could be your mother in previous life.

13. Some of those girls [from pornography] never have good father or good mother.

14. What to do if you suddenly feel desire to watch pornography.

15. Sexual impulse are very strong even for blind men.

16. The more you look pornography, the harder it will be to stop.

17. Don’t allow yourself to be in bad companies, where they talk about girls.